spring cleaning

It’s Time for Spring Cleaning!

Time For Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning is the practice of thoroughly cleaning your home in the spring time. It originates from many cultures, having to do with the new found energy from the light outside, the spring equinox and homes in colder regions that were closed off all winter and heated by fireplaces.

After spending all winter indoors, it’s time to open the windows, let the fresh air in and do some deep cleaning. Not only will your home feel fresh and amazing but you can spend more time outside this summer and less time cleaning inside! Think of the beautiful smell of a spring breeze blowing in your window, now use that motivation to get cleaning. We promise it’s worth it!

Tips for Getting Started

Make a List – Not only will this keep you focused on specific tasks, you get the joy of checking items off as you go! Studies have found checking items off a list increases your motivation to do more.

Tidy Up – It’s hard to dust or wipe stuff down with clutter in the way. Do a quick tidy of the house and once your space is cleared up it will be way easier to start cleaning.

Some important don’t miss places

Appliances – Inside, outside, underneath, behind. After a winter of cooking delicious soups and stews, your stove is going to need some serious TLC. Now that it’s warmer out you can open your windows while cleaning the oven and let the cleaning fumes drift outside.

Windows – It’s hard to enjoy looking out at the beautiful spring flowers when your windows are smudged and dirty. Don’t forget to dust the blinds and clean out the window sill too.

Baseboards – These may seem unimportant but if ignored for too long they end up dusty and dirty. Baseboards can really make the difference in how clean a room looks!

Ceiling Fans – Time to get rid of the dust! With the approaching summer heat you will be using your ceiling fans a lot more. Getting them dust free can help the allergy sufferers in your house as well.

Walls – It’s easy to forget how dirty walls can get until you have the beautiful spring sun shining in on all the finger prints!

Feeling overwhelmed just reading this? We get it!

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